Project Meridank

Which Came First?

Posted on: May 5, 2009

Ah, Lent.

Forty days of fasting, prayer, and penitence culminating in the ressurection of Jesus on Easter – and indulgences not enjoyed for over a month. It is the ultimate period of sacrifice and dedication in the Christian faith. But how is our muse handling Lent? For this, we must go right to the source.

As we join our muse in her daily struggles dealing with her remedial french, public transportation, Germans and a shortage of pinot, we find she has encountered a new conundrum of the categorical kind. It seems as though the lack of sustenance has led to a complete mental breakdown, culminating  in a discussion of eggs. Eggs. Specifically those of a chicken. Simple? What could be simpler? Evidently even the most rudimentary form of nourishment has caused our mused some confusion. 

Meridank: “I have a question…”

Your narrator: “yeeees?…”

Meridank: “Are eggs a meat?”

Your narrator: “……………………………………… Huh?”

Meridank: “It’s Friday. I can’t eat meat and I want to know if I can make an egg.”

Your narrator: “………….I’m speechless.”

A quick trip to the food pyramid has it confirmed that our heroine can indeed eat an egg. Or two. Or three – but that’s “pushing it” according to her.

Nevertheless, it seems Miss Meridank’s diet has expanded from baguettes and booze to included nutricious supplements in the form of protein.

However, it seems some things never grow old. Like a clingy one-night-stand whose number you didn’t remember to block, cookies still call to Meredith on an hourly basis.

“I also thought I had cookies but apparently i dreamt that i bought them because i do not in fact own cookies.” “That was the saddest part of my day – when my 5 minute search for cookies failed”

And an epic fail it was.

Next time we’ll be discussing Mereidank’s affinity for questionable life decisions. This should get interesting…

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  • Jeff: So the main reason that our lovely muse has started drinking red wine, was because she has already dranken all the white wine of France, this my frien
